ZOBT (Care for Farmers and Gardeners)
Zorg om Boer en Tuinder (Care for Farmers and Gardeners) is an independent voluntary organisation with over 40 volunteers throughout the Netherlands who offer a listening ear to farmers and gardeners.
What was the aim of your implementation?
Stichting Zorg om Boer en Tuinder (ZOB) is a nationwide voluntary organisation that assists people in the agricultural world in finding solutions to problems in situations of many kinds. There is a great need for administrative support for the volunteers and the organisation and a uniform recording of the volunteers' activities in which privacy at various levels is of great importance. CiviCRM provided solutions in this regard.
The approach and progress of the project
We started the project together with CiviCooP by writing user stories, describing requirements and situations present within our organisation. Based on these user stories, a test environment was created within which we experimented and eventually translated the experiences to the live environment. The first step of the setup mainly involved getting all existing data into CiviCRM. The second part of the implementation involved creating a portal where volunteers and board could log in to perform relevant work.
What has been CiviCooP's role: before, during and after implementation?
CiviCooP is an essential factor in guiding the implementation. At an appropriate distance, it allows us to do what we can do ourselves and to be there when we hit our limits of knowledge and expertise. Choosing to what extent you want support is very pleasant for our organisation. Without CiviCooP's guidance and support, we would not have been able to implement this project.
What role does CiviCRM play now?
CiviCRM is now fully working for our organisation. We now have a central overview of all volunteers and the requests for help from farmers and market gardeners they handle. The roll-out of the reporting module has also been completed and we are now thinking about what's next: expanding the reporting capabilities and using CiviCRM further in internal and external communication.
In addition, the current portal will be replaced in 2024.