The Greens / EFA group in the European Parliament
The Greens/EFA parliamentary group was formed in 1999, when two progressive European political families - The Greens and the European Free Alliance (EFA) - agreed to join forces in the European Parliament.
Greens/EFA now includes members from Green movements, Pirates and Independent MEPs, as well as MEPs from the European Free Alliance (EFA) who represent stateless nations, regions and minorities and stand up for the right to self-determination.
With 72 members (35 women and 37 men) from across Europe, it is the fourth largest group in the European Parliament and the only one that has always had a co-chair with a gender balance.
The Greens are a driving force in European politics, with representation in the European Parliament since 1984.
The Greens and EFA have made a difference and are fighting to make Europe the world leader in climate and environmental protection, peace and social justice, fair globalisation and in the fight for human rights and self-determination.
What was the aim of your implementation?
Implementation began to replace the existing, dated budget tool - requesting budget for activities and processing payments - with a future-proof tool.
The approach and progress of the project
It has become an exciting and challenging project where we learned by doing:
- Defining the ideal rather than rebuilding the existing tool
- Seeing through the processes and determining when to adapt the process and when to adapt the software
- Getting our own user organisation on boardÂ
- Because we have our own IT people, understanding how the software works, the technical (data) structure and the integration of the various software systems
What has been CiviCooP's role: before, during and after implementation?
CiviCooP provided input for the process analysis and the data structure to be derived from it, the configuration of CiviCRM and the development of forms and statements on the user portal - the budget tool as users see it. They were an involved and patient partner who thought along......
What role does CiviCRM play now?
CiviCRM, together with Drupal and Nextcloud, is now the central system for our user management, the process around the management, application and accountability of our budgets and document management around invoices and other proofs of payment, as well as accountability to our financial administration.